Free Download creativemarket – Weekly Meal Plan – Printable 4969261 with high-speed direct link. When we decide to keep our diet under control, we often note the many things to keep in mind in dozens of flying sheets or notebooks. So, sometimes, we end up losing some useful information that we had previously written down.
Like all the printables in my shop, Weekly Meal Plan is also a printable (or printable file) in PDF format that could help you. In fact, it was created with the aim of grouping all the useful information within a single file that you can print whenever you want to keep track of the type of particular diet that you decide to follow.
Specifically, Weekly Meal Plan contains the following sections:
- “What not to eat” – a section where you can write down all the foods to avoid divided by category.
- Whether it’s due to food intolerance or something else, it doesn’t matter. You can write all of this down here.
- “Shopping list” – is the so-called shopping list. A section where you can write down all the foods you need to buy for your food and the budget you intend to spend on shopping during the week.
- “Type of diet to follow” – is the section dedicated to the type of diet or diet you need to follow. Here you can write down the foods you need to eat.
- “Weekly Meal Plan” – is a weekly summary scheme in which you must write down the following information for each day of the week: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. You can use this planner to plan your week and write down all the useful information here, including your weight.
- Week Meal Plan – printable only in English (PDF, A4 format, 52 pages).
- The terms of use of the product in English.
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